Boot Camp Program for Persistent Low Back Pain (PLBP)

Why Learn How to Implement the Boot Camp Program for PLBP?

  • Acquire the knowledge, skill and self-confidence to help your clients/patients manage PLBP for the rest of their lives
  • An evidence-based program that can improve client/patient outcomes in the short and long term
  • Provides structure to an often-complex problem with step-by-step instruction on how to deliver the 6-week program
  • Detail training on specific manual therapy techniques, exercises and self-management strategies

Course Outline


  • About spinemobility
  • Back Pain: Dr Carlo Ammendolia Full Interview
  • Background information on PLBP and the Boot Camp Program
  • How to use the workbook and implementation guide 
  • Training on the treatment protocol and manual therapy techniques
  • Instruction on specific exercises and self-management strategies
  • How to use the Spinemobility Bolster

Course Materials

  • Digital workbook
  • Step-by-step Implementation Guide

Highly recommend ordering hardcopies of the workbooks (bundles of 5) to distribute to your patients/clients. The workbooks are essential when implementing the program with patients/clients.